Today — today is that “come clean” day for me. Today, I wear my heart on my sleeve, as I share with you the journey I’ve been on in recent weeks. We. Left. The. Farm!! We left the farm after 40 years of life as we’ve always known it to be and moved into the mountain. Gulp — there, I ...
Editor’s note: To submit a nonprofit announcement to The Sentinel’s Religion section, contact Erin Thompson at (717) 248-6741 or by email at Items also may be faxed to (717) 248-3481 or sent to The Sentinel, 352 Sixth Street, Lewistown, PA 17044. Items ...
Its high school graduation season. It’s a very exciting and stressful time for students, teachers and parents. Our prayers are with all our young people as they make the move into jobs or college or some new chapter of their lives.
Most of us know what it’s like to do some foolish or ...
The subject of hair has been a topic of conversation for thousands of years. In secular society the hair styles and trends has changed depending on who was in power and control. The Romans were more inclined to have short hair that was well trimmed. Here in the U.S. the style has gone from long ...
Editor’s note: To have your church’s Vacation Bible School event listed on the Religion page, email The Sentinel also welcomes photos of vacation bible school.
First Baptist Church, Mifflintown
First Baptist Church, Route 35, one mile North of ...
LEWISTOWN — The Rev. Fr. Jayaseelan Amalanathan will say good-bye to his congregations later this month as he has been appointed to Saint Theresa Parish in New Cumberland.
Amalanathan, also known locally as Fr. Jay, has served as parochial vicar at Sacred Heart and St. Jude Church, ...