
Contact Us


Ruth Eddy


Advertising Director:
Matt Bolich, ext. 130 — mbolich@lewistownsentinel.com


Advertising Consultant - Huntington County, Belleville, Milroy, Reedsville:
Jana Stevens, ext. 163 — jstevens@lewistownsentinel.com


Advertising Consultant - Lewistown:
Doris Fultz, ext. 128 — dfultz@lewistownsentinel.com


Advertising Consultant - Burnham, Yeagertown, Lewistown:
Mandy Kehler, ext. 109 — mkehler@lewistownsentinel.com


Advertising Consultant - Juniata, Snyder, Perry County, McClure:
Karen Moyer, ext. 124 — kmoyer@lewistownsentinel.com


Advertising / Online Sales Consultant -
Central Pennsylvania Newspaper Network, Centre County, State College, Bellefonte
Altoona Mirror, Lewistown Sentinel, Lock Haven Express, Williamsport Sun-Gazette:

Carrie Ocasio, ext. 123 — cocasio@lewistownsentinel.com


Classified Ad Representative:
Tina Unger, ext. 100 — classified@lewistownsentinel.com


Classified Ad Representative:
Stacy Metzgar, ext. 120 — smetzgar@lewistownsentinel.com


Sue Kline, ext. 126 — skline@lewistownsentinel.com


Managing Editor: Erin Thompson, ext. 117 — ethompson@lewistownsentinel.com

Copy Editor: Brooke Crouse, ext. 112 — bcrouse@lewistownsentinel.com

Sports Editor: Anthony Fiuza, ext. 115 — afiuza@lewistownsentinel.com


Lifestyle Editor: Tom Laub, ext. 127 — tlaub@lewistownsentinel.com

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  • Microsoft Word (.DOC)


Circulation Manager: Ed Williams

Circulation Phone: (717) 248-7838

Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Sat 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Voicemail 24/7

Email: circulation@lewistownsentinel.com

Payments may be made in person or by phone during office hours, Monday through Friday.

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