
A sermon to our community: resurrection through eagles

By Travis Habbershon

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love that we are seeing more bald eagles around Lewistown. My first memory of seeing them around here was when I was working at a drug and alcohol rehab center close to 14 years ago. I remember driving a group of guys there to a recovery meeting and while on the way there we pulled off the road to see if we could spot some eagles after getting word on one of their locations. We saw two eagles that day and I’ve never forgotten it.

Last summer, while tubing down Kish Creek with my son, we floated right underneath one that was perched up above us on a tree branch. Awe and wonder my friends, awe and wonder. In that moment, we were present, experiencing the fullness of life; the (John 10:10) life of abundance that many are being robbed of. I wasn’t worried about bills and the future and my son wasn’t worried about youtube videos or a new toy. As we floated under the eagle’s wings and its fierce confident eyes, worry had no place in our hearts and minds. We fully present, in the moment, with each other. And now, almost a year later, Haven and I still talk about it. So, that one holy moment is still having a positive impact on our lives.

This is just one of the blessings of beauty and being out in nature, it delivers us from worry, fear, and anxiety. Jesus did say, “look to the birds.” When I see eagles, I feel a great sense of hopefulness. Seeing eagles soaring in the sky or perched up on tall branches helps my mental health greatly. Just the other night, after my wife got home from dinner and shopping with a friend, the first thing she shared with me about her evening wasn’t anything about shopping deals or the delicious food she had for dinner, the first thing she said to me was, “I saw three bald eagles!”

Maybe, just maybe, the God of all creation, brought the eagles to our area, to free us all from the grip of fear and anxiety… Maybe it’s not a coincidence that we are seeing more bald eagles around here… Maybe, this is just one way God is trying to break through the despair and depression that a lot of people are trapped in and blinded by… Maybe God is saying to Mifflin County, “you too, can soar again!”

Eagles are a symbol of trust and freedom. I believe the eagles around Mifflin County are a sign and wonder testifying of what God is doing in our area. The eagles are a “Sermon to our Community” and not one that rocks you to sleep in a pew on Sunday morning, but one that has resurrection power. God’s messages aren’t just delivered during Sunday services to groups of well dressed people. God speaks, and those with an eye to see and an ear to hear will receive it. God speaks to us because He loves us.

And so what is the “Sermon to our Community” that I believe God is speaking through the eagles:

Eagles Soar. No matter how beat down and broken, a person, a marriage, a family, or a community is, (with God, with Love) it can soar again. Reliance on the wind is the key. There are many in our community who are now soaring like eagles that were once shackled by sin, fear, addiction and shame. These hopeful examples of transformation are going to multiply. One flame can light a million. “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (-Romans 8:37 NKJV)

Eagles have greater vision. God wants to expand our vision for what is possible in our community. He is delivering us from the cataracts of despair and bringing us back to a place of childlike awe and wonder, which I would call the “eyes of faith.” This gift of greater vision will break us all free from negativity and cynicism. Mifflin County is going from a doom and gloom perspective to one of great hope and faith. “Your eyes will shine, and your heart will thrill with joy,” (-Isaiah 60:5a NLT)

Eagles have a strong grip. The “barely holding on” are going to cling to Christ like never before. The (gift of desperation) which is the result of (deliverance from pride) will release the humble heart cry, “Jesus we need you!” all across Mifflin County. It’s time to let go of the past and firmly grasp onto the Lord, so that we can fully step into the new thing that God is doing in our community. Those that cling to tradition because of their addiction to comfort and familiarity will end up being the naysayers of the new thing. But this isn’t anything new, Jesus dealt with pharisaical naysayers too and he just kept blazing the trail forward modeling the new covenant. “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (-John 13:34-35 NLT)

I close with this: I love Lewistown, I love Mifflin County. This is such a beautiful place. For the past couple of years, I’ve gotten to travel to many different towns and cities to share what Jesus has done in my life and I am so grateful for that. But I want you to know, I love coming home. There’s no place like home. The natural beauty of our area is truly spectacular. Mifflin County is full of miracles. This is a place of hope. Let’s get back to the simplicity of loving our neighbor. Let’s take walks around Kish Park and Rec Park and say an “unhurried hello” to those that come across our path. Let’s get back to the golden rule and treat others the way we want to be treated. Let’s remember that love is “patient and kind.”

Let us not miss the eagles and the message they bring.

Isaiah 40:31 NIV “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”


Travis Habbershon is pastor of The Story Tour, a ministry event for the hurting, addicted and struggling. Through music and stories of redemption, many are being reminded that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is hope.

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