
Bundle up! New Year’s Eve 5K race Sunday

MIFFLINTOWN — The fourth annual New Year’s Eve 5K has been scheduled for Dec. 29 near the walking bridge in Mifflintown.

“Our goal in hosting this event is to give back to our community by raising funds for the Paul Delauter Youth Center and the Mifflintown Hose Company #1 while increasing community involvement, promoting health and wellness, and highlighting local businesses,” explained Amy Wagner, the 5K director.

According to Wagner, the route travels through Mifflintown on paved roads and sidewalks and passes by the courthouse, the elementary school, the tennis courts and playground, the high school, the junior high school, and crosses both bridges to end back near the Christmas tree.

At the finish line, there will be soup, donuts, coffee, hot chocolate, and other refreshments for participants to enjoy.

While there is no registration fee – post-race food and drinks are complimentary – participants are encouraged to “join in the fun and donate big to the youth center and fire company,” Wagner said. Those who make a donation will receive a race sticker.

There will also be T-shirts available to be pre-ordered and there will be a limited number of shirts for sale on race day. T-shirts can be ordered and paid for to be picked up at a later date.

Registration and check-in is set to begin at 11 a.m. at the Christmas Tree on Bridge Street, and the race starts at 1 p.m.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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