Thank you to many for giving this season
To the Editor:
During this season of the year, we often hear the expression, “The spirit of Christmas is giving.” If that sentiment is true, our community is overflowing with the Christmas spirit. Recently, many of our friends and neighbors gave ...
Taxpayers, government can find tax solution
To the Editor:
According to a recent report, poor and working-class taxpayers pay a larger percentage of their incomes for taxes than wealthier taxpayers. Hence, they are not being taxed according to their ability to pay; and this is wrong. What ...
2024 Festival of Ice warmed hearts
To the Editor:
On behalf of everyone involved in this year’s Festival of Ice, the Visitors Bureau extends a heartfelt thank you to our incredible community for making this event such a success.
Despite the frigid temperatures, your support and ...
Thanks to Lewistown Kiwanis Club
To the Editor:
The Lewistown Kiwanis Club would like to thank all who participated in the 2024 “Christmas Around the World” Christmas Parade and especially our judges. The winner for Best Float was Cub Scout Pack 115. The Best Marching/Walking/Other ...
Biden is not warmonger in Ukraine v. Russia
To the Editor:
I am responding to Judge Andrew Napolitano’s recent article, “Pres. Biden’s lust for war costs all.” From what I’ve read the Judge’s account is a crock. He basically said Biden is a warmonger and Putin was “forced ...
Remember concert etiquette during holiday
To the Editor:
Christmas concert season is fast approaching, a time when family and friends are invited to hear what their students and their teachers have been preparing for many weeks. For concerts to be rewarding experiences for everybody, music ...