
Readers’ opinions

Thanks to Lewistown Kiwanis Club

To the Editor:

The Lewistown Kiwanis Club would like to thank all who participated in the 2024 “Christmas Around the World” Christmas Parade and especially our judges. The winner for Best Float was Cub Scout Pack 115. The Best Marching/Walking/Other category winner was Girl Scout Troop 40375. The Judge’s Prize was awarded to the Mifflin County High School Drama Club. Honorable mentions include floats by Burnham OIP, Winter Coats from Waylon, and Boy Scout Troop 4.

The winner of the Lewistown Kiwanis Club’s inaugural “Guess the Christmas Goose” contest was Joseph Bomberger of Port Royal. This year’s “Christmas Goose” was “Navigator: Finding the Juniata Valley a Great Place to Land,” sponsored by the Mifflin County Commissioners and painted by Jim Bright. It is located at the Mifflin County Courthouse in Lewistown. “Christmas Goose is easy to find / By his name and his design. / Located in the bright spot that is best / To visit the sponsors of his nest” was the published clue. Additional clues were available at the festival. The 2024 Pancake Festival served almost 350 people a delicious breakfast before the parade. Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser which supports our service to children in the community.

Josie Baughman


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