Readers’ opinions
Remember concert etiquette during holiday
To the Editor:
Christmas concert season is fast approaching, a time when family and friends are invited to hear what their students and their teachers have been preparing for many weeks. For concerts to be rewarding experiences for everybody, music teachers (this writer included) would like their audiences to remember these respectful behaviors:
1. Please turn off or silence all cell phones during the performance.
2. We know you are excited to see your student on stage and want him/her to know you are there. However, waving or shouting at the performers is
distracting for them.
3. Please do not talk loudly or leave your seat during a performance; this is disrespectful and distracting.
4. Please enter or exit the auditorium only between songs. It is also encouraging and respectful to stay for the entire concert, even if your student is only involved with part of the performance.
Enjoy your student’s special moment, and make it special for all. Merry Christmas!
Joan D. Loewen