
Unfair biological advantages steal opportunities from women by birth

You probably haven’t heard of Lia Thomas. But if you have a daughter who plays sports, you should learn her story — and how it impacts what is supposed to be a level playing field in sports for women.

Thomas is a swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania. She used to be Will Thomas, a barely recognized swimmer on the Penn men’s team.

And then, Thomas began to identify as a woman. In accordance with NCAA rules, Thomas was not allowed to compete in women’s sports until completing a year of taking testosterone suppresants.

And, in accordance with the same organization’s rules, colleges must now accept Thomas for what she isn’t — a female athlete.

But don’t try to tell the woke left-wing crowd that. Despite being the same folks who clamored for decades for women’s rights — REAL women’s rights — they now insist that Thomas be allowed to compete as a woman, even if the evidence shows otherwise.

And Thomas’ swimming numbers prove that a year without testosterone doesn’t undo the biological advantage she developed as Will. Thomas’ record-setting performances in women’s sports steals from athletes who were born women the accomplishments they made and the accolades they deserve.

Syndicated radio host and columnist Dennis Prager isn’t afraid to call this what it is: cheating.

In a recent column, he quotes John Lohn, the editor of Swimming World magazine, who had the fortitude to stand up to the compliant NCAA and university officials with a hard dose of reality:

“Despite the hormone suppressants she has taken, in accordance with NCAA guidelines, Thomas’ male-puberty advantage has not been rolled back an adequate amount …

“The fact is, for nearly 20 years, she built muscle and benefited from the testosterone naturally produced by her body. That strength does not disappear overnight, nor with a year’s worth of suppressants …

“What we are stating is this: The effects of being born a biological male, as they relate to the sport of swimming, offer Thomas a clear-cut edge over the biological females against whom she is competing. She is stronger. It is that simple. And this strength is beneficial to her stroke, on turns and to her endurance. Doping has the same effect.”

Doping — the practice of taking performance-enhancing drugs to increase likelihood of success — is supposed to be illegal in sports. Just ask the Olympians who have lost their medals over it.

In this case, the claim could be made that Thomas’ drug use dimishes her ability to compete — but only against men. In the female side of the gender pool, she is next to impossible to beat.

And the dopes at the NCAA — and Penn, once an honorable Ivy League school — are buying into this. In fact, the female swimmers who have spoken up were told by the school’s administration to keep it under wraps. Move along, nothing to see here.

Nothing but the outright cheating of women out of the equality they spent decades fighting for.

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