Don’t fall apart, come apart!
“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” — Mark 6:31 NKJ
Jesus had called the twelve to Him and sent them out two by two. In Luke 9:6 it says, “And departing, they began going about among the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.” Matthew 10 gives one entire chapter to this time period. Jesus tells His disciples that persecutions are coming, but they should fear God rather than men. He warns about denying Him before men. He goes on to say that He brings division and a sword instead of peace. He also tells them of their reward if they are faithful.
After receiving their instructions they are sent out to preach, teach and heal the sick. And what a time it must have been. Lives were being changed, not only through physical healing, but spiritual as well. It appears that the excitement brought even more people out to see Jesus. In Mark 6:31, Jesus tells His disciples it’s time for a rest, let’s go to a quiet place and get some peace and solitude.
Do you have a vacation spot where you can get away from it all, a place that draws you back to the creator as you see His handiwork and the beauty of it? As we focus on our God and what He has created, we begin to see our proper place in the scheme of things. We aren’t as important as we thought, in fact, it’s all about Him, everything was made to bring glory to God.
The beach and ocean with the power of the pounding waves and the various creatures that we find there have caught my attention from my childhood days. And when I look up at the shining moon in the sky at night, it’s hard to understand how that moon affects the tide, the creatures in the salty water and even me.
Ocean Air
The scent of cool ocean air
Has nudged me along the way
With my plans for a summer vacation
And has brought me to this present day
Those childhood memories of yesterday
With crashing waves and summer fun
When the fog was lifted slowly
By the intrusive light of the summer sun
The boardwalk was cool and damp
As I stepped from asphalt to sand
Then unto the slatted wooden ramp
With my towel on shoulder and snacks in hand
And entered the world of beach and salt water
Of building sand castles with turrets so high
Sometimes chasing a seagull
Or just watching the kites in the sky
My struggle with the forces of nature
Never dampened my spirit or vision
But spurred me on to conquer each wave
As they pounded the sand into submission
An operation on a dead horseshoe crab
Or treasure hunting on the beach
Was followed by teasing a hermit crab
That tried to stay just out of reach
Playing catch with the gentle sandpiper
Was always a lot of fun
As they darted in and out with the water
In the heat of the afternoon sun
The gulls would call to each other
In shrill and mocking tones
As we covered a wiggling friend with sand
From their head down to their toes
There was also the riding of bicycle
On the streets of the little town
As day was coming to an end
And the orange sun was going down
But shall I continue on this carefree journey?
For the memories and words would have no end
Of experiences from the past
And the wisdom they can lend
Those memories of days gone by
Have brought me to this another time
When to the beach we’re going
The kids~my wife~and I
The scent of cool ocean air
Will encourage us along the way
To experience the wonder of God’s creation
And the blessings of another day
It is very important to have a place to get away, to unwind, and to refocus our attention on our God. I would like to encourage you to meet God when you go on vacation. Don’t just go for fun, food, and pleasure. Find a church to worship and praise our God. Take time to be an encouragement to others even when you’re on vacation. You will find you’re helping yourself by reaching out to others. Contact the author at if you have any comments or questions.
Lyndon Stimeling, of Richfield, has been writing about faith and family for many years. He has self-published four books, Common Thoughts on The Word in 2016, Eye of a Needle in 2017, Common Thoughts on The Word II in 2019 and A Bridge Between in 2023. He has also had articles published in The Coming Home Journal and local newspapers and has written a children’s book.