
Day is richer when the King is present

Good morning, friends! Today, I’m thinking about eggs, hens, roosters, and the King. Recently, I penned up my hens for winter. They had been running free all summer, doing what contented hens do: eating bugs, wandering free, and laying beautiful, jumbo brown eggs. I enjoy watching them live out their chicken days on the farm. But as it gets colder, and the days get shorter, and there’s less sunlight, hens need to have more heat and light. Thus, they are confined over winter. Usually, they are quite content to be penned up, and continue to give me their beautiful jumbo eggs during the dead of winter. This year was different. See, I had blessed my girls with a rooster this summer. How I love to hear his morning wake up call. But, come time to lock the girls up, I decided against adding “Bob” to the mix. The result? Fewer eggs and droopy hens. Seriously. So, into the pen Bob went. Next day, my girls are back to business, as usual. And me? Oh, I’m enjoying those eggs like never before. Lesson learned? Nothing works without the King’s presence.

Let me ask you a question, friends. Is the King present in your dead of winter? What changes have come about? What season has ended in your life? What joy is lacking, because you simply did not include the King, the Lord Jesus, in your life? You said, “ouch?” Me, too. When will we learn? Nothing, absolutely nothing can endure, can be productive, if we overlook the King. John 15: 5 says: “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; For without me you can do nothing.”

Friends, if you’re caught in a rut of nothingness, add the King to the situation. When you do, I can promise you that his presence will make all the difference. And you’ll appreciate the “eggs” like never before. Abide in Him, and let Him be known to others.

I have a plaque in my office that reads, “Live in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God, will come to know Him because they know you.”

Quite an egg to lay? Listen, friends, it’s not in our own strength. Don’t try harder. Instead, hang tighter to the vine. May others see your good works, and glorify your Father, in heaven. May Your day be richer, because the King is present.


Debby Renninger is a freelance writer and inspirational speaker. She holds a Bible study in her home in McVeytown, where seeking women are always welcome. She may be reached at (717) 250-7086 for speaking engagements.

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