
Place your lives and plans into the hands of God

Good morning, dear sisters. What a beautiful morning, finally. I know we should be so thankful for so much rain, but honestly, Lord, what are you thinking here? What a silly thing to say to the God of all the earth, isn’t it? His ways are always best…even when we cannot see.

Many of you reading today are wondering why…Why, Lord? Why have You allowed these things in my life? Why now, Lord? Why me, Lord? Why not her? We are so this way, aren’t we? We have our own agendas, and when the Lord allows other things to enter in, if we’re honest, we aren’t always thrilled to death about that.

This morning as I was reading in the book of Esther, I felt certain that Esther would have never planned her life the way it went, yet, when God allowed her circumstances to come about, she embraced them, wholeheartedly. When faced with her predicted death from having confronted the king without permission, Esther simply said, “If I must die, I am willing to die.” Was this the cry of a queen resigned to her death, or the faith-inspired statement of a woman who served a sovereign God? I believe you know. Esther was willing to risk the wrath of the king in order to plea for the lives of her own people, the Jews.

What I’m seeing from this account is this: Only when we place ourselves in God’s hands can we bring glory to Him and growth to ourselves. When we, like Esther, embrace the unexpected, the changes, the requests, the disappointments, and yes, even sickness, then and only then, will the world take notice, that we take our marching orders, not from the king, but from the King. If God allowed these things, and He has, we have a choice to make. Will we allow our circumstances to make us bitter or better? God, in His sovereignty, orchestrates our lives…for His honor, and our growth.

I see so much pain all around me. Things I’d love to have the power to change. Suffering I would erase. Relationships I would heal. Paths I would make smooth. But I’m not God. And neither are you, sister. Will you embrace the life that the King has blessed you with? Even when our blessings come through raindrops and our healing comes through tears, still, God goes before us and prepares the way…His way. And He will be faithful to walk with us all the days of our lives. Our lives will be better, though, when we learn to place our lives, our plans, into the hands of God Almighty, who does all things well.

This morning, friends, if you are at a place of confusion, disappointment, out-right brokenness, do not give up or give in to that way of thinking. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. Just turn your eyes upon Jesus today and follow Him, for His glory and your growth.

Lord, be near to all my sisters who are struggling today. Help each of us to see that Your way is always best, always. Even when we cannot see, we must trust You, and not ourselves. We love You, Lord Jesus. Amen.


Debby Renninger is a freelance writer and inspirational speaker. She holds a Bible study in her home in McVeytown, where seeking women are always welcome. She may be reached at (717) 250-7086 for speaking engagements.

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