Mifflin County Conservation District announces grant application period
BURNHAM — Farm operations can now apply for funding through the Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) to install best management practices, including waste storage facilities and mortality composters, forest and grass buffers, stream and wetland restoration and heavy use area protection to name a few.
Funding for the ACAP Program was originally created through the American Rescue Plan Act and the Clean Streams Fund and was established with the goal of reducing non-point source pollution to surface and groundwater supplies, officials said in a press release.
The program is administered by the State Conservation Commission who have delegated the local program implementation to conservation districts.
To apply for funding contact the Mifflin County Conservation District at (717) 248-4695 or visit www.mifflinccd.com to download a program application.
Applications will be accepted through Feb. 28, 2025.