
Homeschoolers invited to hang out

MIFFLINTOWN — Jocinda Rhinier knew there were families in Juniata County who homeschooled their children and wanted to find a way to make them feel more connected to the community.

In October 2022, Rhinier, the youth services coordinator at the Juniata County Library, 498 Jefferson St., Mifflintown, introduced the monthly “Homeschool Hangout” program.

Now in its second year, Homeschool Hangout has been very well received by homeschooling families. “We have an average of 20 to 23 kids attend most monthly programs,” Rhinier explained.

While the library offers programs for children, such as story time, Rhinier knew some homeschool students were older and needed programs suited to them. She called on the members of the community for assistance and was greeted with a warm response.

“I rely on community members and local businesses and agencies to offer unique programs that our homeschool families would be interested in,” Rhinier said. “We have been fortunate to have a variety of programs each year.”

Once a month, the library offers fun, informative programs for homeschoolers at 10 a.m. in the lower level community room.

The theme for March is art appreciation with a “Making with Monet” program on Tuesday with Judy Mummau, who will offer a fun lesson about artist Claude Monet. Attendees will create art using his famous techniques.

“We are able to bring in speakers that the families might not have access to or agencies that they might not realize are in the area,” Rhinier explained. “For example, last year we had volunteers from the Juniata County Historical Society come to share about family lineage and then the kids and their families got to explore the archives, which is located in the library building.

“Many families didn’t realize they were able to visit the archives and access some awesome family history located there,” she added. “And this year we have a CPR and lifesaving course scheduled for the older kids that we are all looking forward to.

On April 4, Evangelical Hospital Community Health and Wellness Educator Ann Dzwonchyk will teach important “Hands Only CPR and Lifesaving Skills,” focusing on using hands-only CPR, calling 911 and what to do if you or someone around you is choking. The program is geared for grades 3 and up. Preregistration is required. There also must be at least 12 students enrolled for this class to take place.

The program for May 2 has yet to be determined.

“I am excited to bring new and interesting experiences to our library families,” Rhinier said.

For more information, visit www.juniatalibrary.org or find them on Facebook.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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