
Commissioners hear progress reports from institution directors

MIFFLINTOWN–Juniata County Commissioners listened to a presentation by Vince Giordano Tuesday about the library’s activities through 2021.

Giordano stated that his report to the commissioners was very important because the county is the largest “supporter of the library financially.” He also said that the library recieved $47,350.84 in donations from individuals in the last year.

Giordano announced that the library’s hours of operation have been fully restored and that they have logged 760 uses of the free public computer access they provide to the community.

He said, “Can anyone think of a place where they can just walk in and use a computer for free? The library is that place. We offer free wifi as well if you bring your own device.”

It was reported that 15,667 people visit the library in 2021. The library saw a 44% increase in the amount of print books checked out of the library, and more than 700 children participated in the institutions youth programs. Also, anyone can rent mobile hotspots from the library for two and four week durations.

The board also heard from Cindy Sunderland, the director of CARS services, regarding the Medical Assistance Transportation Program. Sunderland said that while the winter months hinder the amount of rides they produce, she is hopeful that trips will increase as the weather changes in the spring months ahead.

Commissioners said there is a misconception that Juniata County does not provide public transportation due to lack of bus routes.

The CARS service is crucial for seniors, disabled community members and veterans to arrive to appointments and receive the medical attention they need to maintain a higher quality of life, though the service is open to anyone.

CARS is a door-to-door service and can be reached at (717) 242-2277. Rides must be scheduled before noon on the prior day. Seniors, veterans and persons with disabilities may access reduced travel rates.

In other business Tuesday, the board:

¯Approved the certification statement from County Children and Youth Social Service Programs for the period of Oct. 1 through Dec. 31.

¯Approved a 3-year contract with Maximus Consulting Services Inc. to prepare Juniata County’s annual indirect cost allocation plans. The plans total contracted cost is $14,400 and will take effect on May 2, 2022 and remain until May1, 2025.

¯Approved the use of the county records improvement fund to purchase software and equipment for the assesment/GIS department.

¯Approved the purchase of service agreements between Juniata County Children and Youth Services, the Juniata County Probation Department, Bethany Christian Services Inc, Centre County Youth Service Bureau, Cornell Abraxas Group Inc, Diversified Treatment Alternative Centers LLC and Merakey USA.

¯Approved the following Community Development Block Grant-IDIS payments: check No. 1285 in the amount of $268,332.01, check No.1286 in the amount of $12,416.33 and check No.1287 in the amount of $64,838.

¯Acknowledged the resignation of Keith R Mingle as the communications supervisor at Juniata County 911 Center.

¯Reviewed the Children and Youth Services expenditure report for July 1 through Sept. 30.

¯Approved payment of checks No. 63842 through No. 63902 in the amount of $110,193.77

Also, the salary board approved the hiring of Susan K. Yorks as a full time clerical/field assesor with the Juniata County Assessment Office effective March 7.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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