East Juniata-Susquenita boys basketball NewsletterToday's breaking news and more in your inboxEmail(Required) I'm interested in (please check all that apply)(Required) Daily Newsletter Breaking News Obituaries Are you a paying subscriber to the newspaper?(Required) Yes No Local Sports Irish, Buckeyes playing 16-game slate for first time Susquenita shoots past East Juniata, 76-63 Eagles win despite Hurts’ performance Indians rout Wildcats, 56-29 MIFFLINTOWN — Regan Lowrey posted a team-high 18 points as Juniata beat Halifax on Monday, 56-29. Reagan Burd ... East Juniata-Susquenita boys basketball Mayor has plan to keep Sixers in South Philly
Indians rout Wildcats, 56-29 MIFFLINTOWN — Regan Lowrey posted a team-high 18 points as Juniata beat Halifax on Monday, 56-29. Reagan Burd ...