
Religion briefs

Schrader church to host speakers

REEDSVILLE — Schrader United Methodist Church will host the following special speakers during its 8:30 a.m. services:

¯June 6 — Jim Hartzler

¯June 13 — Jeff Hartzler

¯June 20 — Clair Diven

¯June 27 — Jack Armstrong

Regular services held outdoors

LEWISTOWN — Pine Glen Church of the Brethren, 61 Pine Glen Road, will hold its regular Sunday services outdoors at the adjacent pavision and prayer garden during the month of June.

A light breakfast will be served prior to the 9:30 a.m. services. Special music will be part of the worship service. Everyone is invited. Attendees may bring a lawn chair.

The schedule is as follows:

¯8:30 a.m., June 6 — Breakfast (muffins, fresh fruit salad, coffee and tea). Special music will be Bob Ritchey.

¯8:30 a.m., June 13 — Breakfast (cinnamon rolls with icing, fruit salad, coffee and tea). Special music will be Rich Burns.

¯8:30 a.m., June 20 — Breakfast (frozen fruit salad, pastries, coffee and tea). Special music will be Erica Wilson.

¯June 27 — Church picnic following the services. Special music by Tonya Stoner and Jill Miller. The IHS class will host the picnic.

Church hosts

outdoor concert

BEAVERTOWN — Beavertown United Methodist Church, 128 N. Orange St., Beavertown, will hold an outdoor concert by the Fuller Family Singers at 6 pm., Sunday, June 13, 2021, under the pavilion. Light refreshments follow the concert.

Pastors invited to submit messages

LEWISTOWN — The Sentinel invites area religious leaders to submit columns for “Professions of Faith” in the Sentinel’s weekly religion section. Interested individuals may contact Erin Thompson at ethompson@lewistownsentinel.com or (717) 248-6741, ext. 117. Sermons should be limited to 1,000 words; exceptions may be made at the editor’s discretion.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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