
Area churches, groups to host Lenten meals and events

St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic

MIFFLINTOWN — The Knights of Columbus of St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church, 3918 William Penn Highway, Mifflintown, will serve fish dinners in the church social hall from 4 to 7 p.m. Fridays through April 3 for Lent.

The all-you-can-eat meal includes: fried and baked fish, popcorn shrimp, fried clams, fries, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, corn, green beans, coleslaw, applesauce, rolls, puddings and desserts.

Pay at the door: Cost is $13 for adults, $6 for ages and free for ages 5 and under. Information: (908) 892-0271.

Methodist Men of

Mifflin County

LEWISTOWN — Mifflin County Men’s Lenten Breakfasts, sponsored by the Methodist Men of Mifflin County, will be held at 7:30 a.m. each Saturday during the Lenten season on the following dates and locations:

¯Feb 22 — First Methodist UMC, E. 3rd St., Lewistown

¯Feb. 29 — Westley Chapel UMC, Lockport

¯March 7 — Rhodes Memorial UMC, Highland Ave., Lewistown

¯March 14 — Freedom Ave. UMC, Burnham

¯March 21 — Grace UMC, Logan St., Lewistown

¯March 28 — Lake Park UMC, W. 4th St., Lewistown

¯April 4 — Grove Memorial UMC, S. Main St., Lewistown

¯April 11 — Granville UMC, Granville

¯April 18 — Women’s appreciation breakfast, for women who served Lenten breakfasts. Held 8 a.m. at Trinity UMC, S. Main St., Lewistown.

St. Marks UMC

MILROY –The Valley Parish will hold a Shrove Tuesday pancake and sausage supper from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at St. Mark’s UMC, Havice Valley Road. Donations accepted.

Yeagertown UMC

YEAGERTOWN — Yeagertown UMC, on the corner of Second Street and Mann Avenue, will host a free Shrove Tuesday meal from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.Tuesday. Enter through the doors by the parking lot.

Mt. Bethel Church

McCLURE – Mt. Bethel Church, 16 Specht St., McClure, will host a pancake-sausage supper to usher in the Lenten season and visit with friends from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Trinity Lutheran Church

McALISTERVILLE ä Trinity Lutheran Church will hold its Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m. Wednesday. The service includes the Imposition of Ashes and holy communion. Bishop Collins of the Upper Susquehanna Synod will be delivering the message for the evening.

Messiah Lutheran Church

MIFFLINTOWN ä A Lenten tea will be hosted by the Women of the Messiah at Messiah Lutheran Church on Feb. 26. Vicar Sam Leister will be the speaker. The fellowship with refreshments begins at 9:30 a.m. and is followed by bible study at 10 a.m. Teas will continue at other churches in the community.



McALISTERVILLE — The McAlisterville Ministerium will host the 2020 Lenten Series, “Clashing Attitudes: a study on the Beatitudes.” The series begins at 7 p.m. on Ash Wednesday, when Graham Fowler introduces the series with the topic of Poor in Spirit. The service will be at East Salem UMC and includes the service of the ashes and the sacrament of Holy Communion.

The following services will be held at 7 p.m.:

¯March 1 — Jen Heikes will speak at Delaware Mennonite on Mourning.

¯March 8 — Keith Graybill will speak at Brown UMC on Meekness.

¯March 15 — Terry Smith will speak at Otterbein UMC on Righteousness.

¯March 22 — Kevin Brophy will speak at Lost Creek Mennonite Church.

¯March 29 — Erin Bovendam will speak at Lost Creek Presbyterian on Pure in Heart.

¯April 5 — Dave Gingrich will speak at McAlisterville UMC about Peacemakers.

¯April 10 — Dave McElwee will speak at Free Spring Church of the Brethren on the Persecuted.

Offerings will be divided between Juniata County Golden Years Ministry and ministries helping Puerto Rico recover from hurricane and earthquake damage. Checks can be made out to the McAlisterville Ministerium.

Port Royal Men’s Lenten Breakfast

PORT ROYAL — Port Royal Men’s Lenten Breakfast will meet at 7 a.m. Saturdays in the Port Royal Community Building on 4th Street, Port Royal. The speakers will be as follows:

¯Feb. 29 — Ken Kitzmiller, retired pastor

¯March 7 — The Rev. Dale Graybill, assistant pastor at River Church

¯March 14 — The Rev. Don Hemikson, Thompsontown Baptist

¯March 21 — Al Ream, Cedar Grove Brethren in Christ Church

¯March 29 — The Rev. Jeffrey Henry, Lighthouse Community Church

¯April 4 — George Zimmerman, retired pastor

¯April 11 — The Rev. Terry Brosius, Port Royal Methodist Church

St. John’s Lutheran

LEWISTOWN –St. John’s Lutheran Church will host Hands of the Savior Lenten seminars at 1 and 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays during Lent.

Each seminar will include a short teaching, videos, discussion related to teaching and current societal issues and Ask the Pastor.

The 2020 theme is Vocation. Discussion will be as follows:

March 3 — What is it?

March 10 — How does it work?

March 17 — How is it useful?

March 24 — What about purpose/principles?

March 31 — How do we live it?

Lewistown Ministerium

LEWISTOWN — Lewistown Ministerium will host devotional services and luncheons at 11 a.m. Wednesdays during Lent.

¯March 4 – St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

¯March 11 – Lewistown Presbyterian Church

¯March 18 – Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish

¯March 25 – First United Methodist Church

¯April 1 – St. John’s Lutheran Church

Starting at $2.99/week.

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