

The Sentinel offers nonprofit and other community organizations an opportunity to promote upcoming events for free in the community calendar for three days before the event. Events requiring reservations may be promoted for up to two weeks before the reservation deadline.

Events that require a purchase from a for-profit business, even if a donation is made to the organization, are not eligible for the calendar.

Submit items at least one in advance via email, events@lewistownsentinel.com; call (717) 248-6741; online, Virtual Newsroom at www.lewistownsentinel.com; or mail or drop off, The Sentinel, 352 Sixth St., P.O. Box 588 Lewistown, PA 17044. The editor reserves the right to edit all submissions.

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number for verification purposes. The phone number is not for publication, unless so indicated.


• Blood drive – 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., River Church of Juniata County, Mifflintown. Appointments requested. For appointments and “Rapid Pass” visit: www.redcross.org.


• New Year’s Eve Kids Bash – noon to 7 p.m., Krise Transportation Mifflin County, 35 School Bus Lane, Lewistown. Kid- and family-friendly carnival rides and games indoors, free sweet treat, food vendors on site and much more. Admission is free. Donations accepted.

• Seventh Annual Bridge the Memories New Year’s Eve Event and Midnight Bridge Drop – 10 to 11:59 p.m., downtown Mifflintown. Enjoy hot dogs and soup, snowmen at leisure, goodie bags for kids and DJ Jimi Jams. Replica bridge drops at midnight.


• Pork and Sauerkraut dinner – 1 to 4 p.m., East Waterford Fire Co., 9607 Route 75 South, East Waterford. Meal includes pork and sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, cream corn and applesauce. Cost is $12 for adults and $10 for ages under 12.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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