

The Sentinel offers nonprofit and other community organizations an opportunity to promote upcoming events for free in the community calendar for three days before the event. Events requiring reservations may be promoted for up to two weeks before the reservation deadline.

Events that require a purchase from a for-profit business, even if a donation is made to the organization, are not eligible for the calendar.

Submit items at least one in advance via email, events@lewistownsentinel.com; call (717) 248-6741; online, Virtual Newsroom at www.lewistownsentinel.com; or mail or drop off, The Sentinel, 352 Sixth St., P.O. Box 588 Lewistown, PA 17044. The editor reserves the right to edit all submissions.

You must include a telephone number for verification purposes. The phone number is not for publication, unless so indicated.

Reserve Now:

• Mifflin County Chapter PASR luncheon meeting — noon., Jan. 2, Birch Hill Event Center, Burnham. Valerie DeVecchis will portray Dorcas Buchanan. Menu: mixed green salad, meat lasagna with marinara, garlic bread, fruit cup. Cost is $16. Reserve with number attending by email: ldmjdj@embarqmail.com, or by calling (717) 437-6024, by noon., Friday, Dec. 27. All Mifflin County retirees welcome.


•Central Pa Food Bank — 9:30-11 a.m., White Memorial Church fellowship hall, Milroy. Bring your own box, bag or containers. Income guidelines apply. For more information, email kishdco@gmail.com or call (717) 348-4248.

• Soup and chicken sale — 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., former Beaver Springs Car Wash, Route 522. Barbecue chicken quarters $5 each. Soup $7 per quart, includes chicken corn noodle, beef vegetable, ham/bean. Proceeds benefit Beaver Springs Fire Co.

• All-you-can-eat breakfast buffet — 6 to 10 a.m., Rescue Hose Co., 222 S. Sassafras St., Beavertown. Adults: $13, kids ages 5 to 10: $6, under 5: free. Santa arrives at 8 a.m.

• Free community breakfast — 7:30 to 9 a.m., Freedom Avenue United Methodist Church. All are welcome.

• Folk family gathering – 5 p.m., Burnham Lions Building. Bring a covered dish to share and a wrapped gift for your children if you want.


•No events reported.


•Bingo — 10 a.m.-1 p.m., McVeytown Senior Center.

•Job Club — 10 a.m.-noon, Mifflin County CareerLink, MCIDC plaza building 58. Attendees will have the opportunity to search for jobs, tailor resumes, apply for jobs and learn how to get jobs.

•TOPS (Take off the Pounds Sensibly) PA 13339 meeting — 6:45 p.m., Rhodes Memorial United Methodist Church, 500 Highland Avenue, Lewistown. Weigh-in at 6 p.m. Welcoming new members. For information: (717) 994-0156.


Upcoming reunions, including missing classmate requests, are published as part of the calendar and should be sent to events@lewistownsentinel.com. Brief reports of reunions and class reunion photos with the people identified in the order in which they appear are accepted for publication in the Saturday Living section and should be sent to living@lewistownsentinel.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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